Not So Surprise Party Photos


The Fellowcraft Club provided dinner for Jean Olivieri’s birthday party on 4/26. The dinner went very well and we were treated as guests during the dinner. We provided dinner for 31 guests. After all the bills were paid, we made $165.00 for the scholarship fund, and we all had a good time doing it. We are a little bit over 75% to having the 2015 scholarship fund completed.

Thanks to Wor Russ Barber and Donna who did all of the food shopping and preparation of the chicken for cooking. They also helped Jean and Tony set up the lodge room on Friday night.

Thanks to those who helped getting dinner ready and for the clean up after dinner, Wor’s Russ Barber and Dave Cammarano, Brothers – DSA John Evans, Jim Scottland, Glenn Capron, and Mike Thomas.

Thank you

Wor John Markuse

Photos courtesy of Brother Glenn Capron.

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Not So Surprise Birthday Party

Just a reminder this Saturday is the not so surprise birthday party for Jean Olivieri. “Dinner” will be served at 12:00. The Olivieri’s are providing the appetizers and dessert. Russ and birthday cakeDonna will do most of the cooking Saturday morning and bring the food to the lodge. We mainly will need help with set up and clean up. If you can make it, please be at lodge between 10:00 am – 10:30 am. The Olivieri’s requested that the workers join in with their party and eat dinner with them. The count was approximately 30 of Tuesday but expect it to be higher by Saturday. Please call with any questions.

Wor. John