In July 2020 the Brothers of Blazing Star Lodge #694 F. & A. M. held a food, supply, and fund drive to help FISH of East Aurora and The Rural Outreach Center. The generosity of the community blossomed into a truckload of food for FISH and supplies for The ROC. While the Brothers did contribute to each the bulk of the donations came from the people of East Aurora and surrounding areas.
We received letters of appreciation from both and we wanted to share the handwritten portion of the letters of gratitude from each.

We are grateful for your continued donations that make our mission to help others possible. Thank you for your support.
FISH Of East Aurora

Thank you,
The Rural Outreach Center
We plan on making the food and supply drives more often however, both can use everyone’s help all year. Please consider donating to FISH of East Aurora or The Rural Outreach Center anytime you have the means. Through your donations, they are able to help support families (your neighbors) in need. Sometimes we have to accept help and other times we are able to help yet we are always together.
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