Masonic Notification of Distress

From Brother Gary Garippo:

My Fellow Brothers, I am Brother Gary Garippo, Master Mason from Ken-Ton Lodge 1186 formerly Tonawanda Lodge 247. I am requesting you please read and if you feel driven to please communicate my request to help locate a possible kidney donor to your respective community organizations, churches and civic groups.

Recently I was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease which has progressed to a point requiring me to need a kidney transplant. I expect to have total kidney failure by the end of March, 2014. I am writing to ask for your help in locating a possible kidney donor. Please share my story with your respective community organizations, churches and civic groups and anyone who might know a potential donor.

I am 49 years old happily married, father of two beautiful girls ages 12 and 8. We have a Golden Retriever which makes four girls in the house counting her and my wife; living in Tonawanda NY. My parents are Italian and German. Unfortunately a large portion of my family on my mother’s side has Polycystic Kidney Disease including my only brother who has been on dialysis for many years. This greatly limits the pool of family members that may be able to help me.

I have posted additional personal information on (My Story) if you or anyone are interested or would like know more about me and this journey. There is a great deal of information regarding the donation process on this web site. You will find information stating that living with one kidney is not shown to impact the longevity of the donor. Regardless of your decision, I appreciate you taking the time to read this, God Bless.

My blood type is A-. This means that I can accept a donor kidney from anyone with blood type A or O, the positive and negative allocation does not matter. Please contact the admin of this page for further details and contact information.
