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The Rebirth Of Spring

(Updated May 20, 2024)

As the Winter season gradually releases its grip, the Spring season stands poised to rejuvenate life. The flora and fauna have commenced showing positive signs of growth and activity. The universe is once again regaining vitality. The Masonic community is brimming with enthusiasm at the possibilities that this new season brings.

Spring is a period of readiness, and our interested gentlemen are preparing for their initiation into Freemasonry. At Blazing Star Lodge, every Brother is enthusiastically preparing for the Summer opportunities that lie ahead.

During the summer months, Blazing Star Brothers take every opportunity to get involved with the East Aurora community. The town will soon be bustling with activity and events. As part of the East Aurora community since 1817, we joyfully get involved with cookouts and other opportunities to strengthen our contribution to The Village of East Aurora.

Our main charitable outreach, Brothers Of The Bread, continues to grow and provide thousands of loaves of bread, jelly, treats, and green beans to food pantries across New York State and now into Pennsylvania. We are welcoming another Lodge near the Buffalo City limits to assist with at least three new food pantries. We also welcomed a Lodge in Cattaraugus County to help supply our Southertier pantries.

If you are interested in Freemasonry in East Aurora, NY, and want to help those in need, contribute to the community, and become part of a worldwide fraternity, contact us for an in-person or Zoom meeting to learn more.

Blazing Star Lodge #694 F&AM – East Aurora

Blazing Star Lodge #694 F&AM
Blazing Star Lodge – East Aurora, NY

Proud yet unassuming and slightly hidden behind some old-growth trees, the Blazing Star Masonic Lodge stands as a permanent fixture in East Aurora, New York.  It overlooks the town with a protective eye ensuring all who pass are good and upright citizens.  We like to think that the presence of the Lodge in our town sets a stage of history, pride, and Brotherly love among the members of the Lodge and the citizens of the town.

As part of the East Aurora, New York community since 1818, the Blazing Star Masonic Lodge actively seeks ways to contribute to the success of our neighbors.  We do this by supporting little league baseball, FISH of East Aurora, The Rural Outreach Center, and Scholarships to graduating seniors at Iroquois High School and East Aurora High School.  Most recently the formation of Brother Of The Bread, led by Brother Andrew Egressy.  We are interested in our community and the people who call East Aurora and surrounding areas, home.  

Our members meet in the Lodge every second and fourth Tuesday of each month September through June.  Dinners begin at 6:30 pm with communications starting promptly at 7:30 pm.  If you are a good and upstanding man, interested in improving your life and the life of everyone around you, please do not hesitate to knock on our door, virtually or literally, before 7:30 pm, and join us for dinner.  We encourage social discussions before and after official communications are complete.

Blazing Star Lodge East Aurora, NY
Blazing Star Lodge – East Aurora, NY
Blazing Star Lodge – East Aurora, NY 1920s

Since 1906 our Lodge stands as a building of humble men striving to better themselves and in turn make the world a better place.  This is what we do.  We would love to talk to you more about Freemasonry please contact us anytime.

We are not affiliated with any of these Podcasts but they are so informative we wanted to provide a way for our visitors to learn from their content.

WB Rev. Kanjin Cederman — Square and Compass, Mind and Buddha Craftsmen Online Podcast

Can Buddhists become Freemasons? We'll answer that and other questions on the individualistic nature of Buddhist practice with WB Rev. Kanjin Cederman, a Buddhist priest and a Freemason, who embodies this unique blend of Eastern and Western traditions. He'll be sharing his insights on how these two paths can intertwine, the potential challenges and rewards of walking both, and the lessons they offer for finding common ground in a world often divided by belief.Show notes: Rev. Kanjin Cederman is the head minister of the Choeizan EnkyojiVisit the Craftsmen Online website to learn more about our next Reading Room event, New York Masonic History and our Masonic Education blog!Join us on Patreon. Start your FREE seven day trial to the Craftsmen Online Podcast and get instant access to our bonus content! Whether it's a one time donation or you become a Patreon Subscriber, we appreciate your support.Follow the Craftsmen Online Podcast on Spotify.Subscribe to the Craftsmen Online Podcast on Apple Podcasts.Follow Craftsmen Online on YouTube, hit subscribe and get notified the next time we go LIVE with a podcast recording!Yes, we're on Tik Tok and Instagram.Get our latest announcements and important updates in your inbox with the Craftsmen Online Newsletter.Email the host, RW Michael Arce! Yes, we will read your email and may even reach out to be a guest on a future episode.Sponsor offer: Don't forget to use the promo code CRAFTSMEN to receive free shipping with your first order from Bricks Masons!Become a supporter of this podcast:–4822031/support.
  1. WB Rev. Kanjin Cederman — Square and Compass, Mind and Buddha
  2. WB Metal Drew – Corn, Wine and Oil: Decoding the Wages of a Master Mason
  3. WB Will Rothery – "Now What?" The First Steps After Your Third Degree
  4. Bro. Andrew "Doc" Berry – Unmasking PTSD: Understanding Invisible Wounds
  5. Bro. Jason Short – Freemasonry's Mystic Tie: A Band of Brothers
Join us this week for a look at Eliphas Levi and his influence on Albert Pike and other prominent Occult writers! Thanks for listening, and have an amazing week! Links: Eliphas LeviÉliphas_Lévi Albert Pike Occult Profile – Waite Midwest Conf. on Masonic Edu Esotericon San Antonio Esoteric Summit Pen and Compass Podcast Meet Act Part Podcast Masonic Secrets Skull and Crown Ltd. Craftsman+ FB Group WCY Podcast YouTube Channel Ancient Modern Initiation: Special Edition The Master's Word- A Short Treatise on the Word, the Light, and the Self – Autographed Get the new book! How to Charter a Lodge Truth Quantum Our Patreon Support the show on Paypal Get some swag! Get the book!  
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