Past Masters

W:. Glenn S. Capron

2017 – 2021

For the fourth year in a row W:. Capron is continuing to shoulder the responsibilities of the Master’s Chair.  W:. Capron joined our Fraternity just a few short years ago in 2013.  Having his Father and Grandfather as Past Masters (1967 and 1957 respectively) of Boonville Lodge #165 F&AM, Raised in a Masonic family Brother Capron quickly progressed through the chairs at Blazing Star Lodge #694 F&AM to be our current Worshipful Master.  He is also a proud member of the Ismailia Shrine in Buffalo, New York.

W:. Capron’s dedication to his community is evident in his almost 25 years of service as a volunteer firefighter and certified NYS EMT-B for the Arcade Volunteer Fire Department and Holland Volunteer Fire Department.  A true outdoorsman, Brother Capron is an avid camper and among other things, he is currently working on his SCUBA diving certification.

Brother Capron is a resident of Chaffee, New York, is employed at Moog Space and Defense, Inc. in East Aurora.  He is a class of 1981 graduate of Adirondack High School in Boonville, NY, and 1983 graduate of SUNY Morrisville in Morrisville, New York.  Despite the distance, and busy schedule Brother Capron keeps close contact with his daughter who now lives in Maryland.

WM James Andruczyk

W:. James Andruczyk

2015 – 2017 & 2021 – 2022

As a life-long resident of Orchard Park, New York Brother Andruczyk is a proud husband to Rachel Andruczyk and a loving father to three wonderful children.  A graduate of Orchard Park High School and a distinguished graduate of Canisius College.  W:. Andruczyk is now employed by East Aurora company Astronics Luminescent Systems Inc., an Aerospace Manufacturer.  While not active in the lodge or numerous Lean Accounting and Manufacturing groups, Brother Andruczyk volunteers with the local youth soccer teams and Boy Scouts.

W:. John Markus

2013 – 2015

Elected for the second year Worshipful Master John Markus is taking the seat in the East, leading our Lodge into the 2014 – 2015 year.  W:. Markus served Freemasonry and our Lodge well in the 2013 – 2014 year.  His contributions in the East included overseeing a highly successful fundraising year and raising several new well-qualified Brothers.  W:. Markus has several plans in the works for the coming Masonic year.  Please visit often to see the latest posts of upcoming events.

W:. David Breth

W:. David Breth

2010 – 2013

My name is David Breth, and I am the Past Master of Blazing Star Lodge No. 694. I’d like to take this opportunity to share a few things about our Lodge and Masonry.

Blazing Star No. 694 received its charter in 1869, since then we’ve been a fixture in East Aurora, NY for over 140 years. Our Lodge building was built in the early 1900s and was paid for by the membership of that era, through a mortgage that was paid off in the 1920s.

Our building is quite unique, in that it is one of the only Lodge buildings you will ever see that was actually built as a Masonic Lodge. Many Lodges struggle for space to perform the work of the Lodge, but not Blazing Star. We’ve also spent resources of time and money on improving our kitchen and the appearance of the building. it is a great facility for our Lodge and the other Masonic bodies that meet there.

But the quality of a Lodge isn’t brick and mortar. It is in the gentlemen who comprise the membership. I made Blazing Star my home Lodge when I became a Mason in 2007 because I felt the instant friendship of the men of the Lodge.

Masonry is difficult to describe. We learn life lessons from the rituals we perform as new brothers go through their degree work. We enjoy each other’s fellowship whenever we meet. We enjoy performing the work that supports our community efforts. In my experience, each of these things goes hand-in-hand and makes my association with Blazing Star Lodge something I would not want to do without.