Tuesday, August 25, 2020 – The Brothers of Blazing Star Lodge #694 F&AM held a special meeting to nominate, elect, and install the officers for the 2020 – 2021 Masonic year. You will notice that all are wearing simple white aprons. Due to Covid-19, we are refraining from using “shared” aprons. However, this is in fact the true fashion of a Master Mason. One is not “higher” or “lower” in importance. Nobody is more important than the next. We have our stations and places in the Lodge and these offices are to ensure the Lodge works and progresses with purpose, honor, and love. Fellowship was abundant after the meeting. A genuine feeling of Brotherhood prevailed in the parking lot with none eager to leave.
W:. Glenn S. Capron is taking the Master’s chair one more year. He begged us not to elect him again so we did the Brotherly thing and elected him. You can read W:. Caprons bio and see his line of officers in the Master’s Corner of the website. W:. Capron has promised a full Trestle Board of Masonic education, as much Fellowship as possible with current Covid-19 guidelines, and a year devoted to the members of Blazing Star Lodge and Freemasonry.
We have some candidates waiting to take their first (and second) step into Freemasonry and we will initiate (and pass) them as soon as we receive guidelines from The Grand Lodge of New York. We cannot wait to welcome our new Brothers but we want to be as safe as possible. If you are interested in becoming a Freemason please do not hesitate to “knock on our door” to learn more.

There’s mony a badge that’s unco braw,
Brother Robert Burns on The Apron
Wi’ ribbon, lace and tape on,
Let Kings and Princes wear them a’,
Gie Me the Master’s apron!
The honest Craftsmas’s apron,
The jolly Freemason’s apron,
Bide he at home, or road afar,
Before his touch fa’s bolt an’ bar,
The gates of fortune fly ajar,
‘Gin he wears the apron!
For wealth an’ honor, pride an’ power
Are crumbling stone to base on;
Fraternity should rule the hour
And ilka worthy Mason!
Each Free Accepted Mason,
Each Ancient Crafted Mason.
Then brithers let a halesome song
Arise your friendly ranks along,
Gudewives and bairns blithely sing
Ti’ the ancient badge wi’ the apron string
That is warn by the Master Mason.