The Blazing Star Light
Latest News & Updates From Blazing Star Lodge #694 F&AM
April Meetings & Events:
Saturday, April 9, 2022 – Fellowcraft Dinner for HRAKTP
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 – Committee Reports Presentations
Saturday, April 16, 2022 – Fellowcraft Meeting
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 – Nominations for Officers
By: Bro. Frank W. Reed
(From Masonic Monthly, Philadelphia, Pa., May 1917)
When back we look upon the darksome way
From which we traveled with uncertain mind,
The selfsame mystic monsters do we find
Still making dolts their arrogance obey.
Confusing craftiness seeking to dismay
Each forward thought; their mental eyes to blind,
Enthroned deceit yells courses from behind,
And preaches hell to crutch its dying sway.
But when at last the will asserts it’s force,
And gains release from shackles long endured,
The phantom doubt dissolves in dawning light;
And from on high, where freedom gets its source,
A soul, new-born, of future life assured,
Finds God is love in each Masonic Rite.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 – “Minutes”
As most of us enjoyed a delicious spaghetti and meat sauce dinner prepared by W:. Andruczyk, W:. Breth spent time with one of our Entered Apprentices, Bro. Phillips. His proficiency was impressive, according to W:. Breth, and he could be ready this year for his Second Degree. This, however, is tentative since we are already approaching our last five communications of the 2021 – 2022 Masonic year. It is amazing how quickly time flies.
We continued the evening with some outstanding conversations on ways to make Blazing Star more social. Several ideas were brought up before the Lodge for consideration. Some of the best were purchasing darts, foosball, and other such entertainment to keep Brothers at the Lodge after we close our meetings. Additionally, there was talk about starting a Brotherhood Fellowship evening on non-meeting nights.
We are one of the luckiest Lodges in the Erie District to still own our own Lodge building. Some say this is a burden but it gives us flexibility and the ability to meet as Brothers whenever we want. It also is a tribute to the Blazing Star Brothers of the past. I am sure many of them put hammer to nail to build the building that they entrusted to us. Another great idea presented was to have all Brothers write and present a short paper about themselves. Anything they want to let us and generations of Brothers to come to know about themselves. These would then be placed into an archive for Brothers to read many years from now.
Have ideas? Bring them to Lodge!
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 – “Minutes”
The evening started with another Entered Apprentice stopping in before dinner for some instruction and guidance with his proficiency. W:. Breth as usual provided him with the necessary tools he needed to continue his study. We hope to see more of our Entered Apprentices in the coming weeks and over the summer at our fundraising and Fellowship events.
As usual, dinner began at 6:30 pm. The Brothers present enjoyed a delicious chili prepared by Bro. Paterek but it seems that the bread was the big hit of the meal. If interested it is the Vienna from Tops. The secret is to let it breathe outside of the package for at least 30 minutes before cutting so it gets a nice crisp to the crust. As always our meals are not only about the food but the discussion and connections made between Brothers as we share in a time-honored tradition of breaking bread with each other.
Our main presentation for the evening came from Brother Ken JP Stuczynski, High Priest of East Aurora Chapter No. 282 of Royal Arch. Bro. Ken spoke about the Royal Arch Masonic tradition of the York Rite. His intention was not to recruit but to inform Brothers about what lies beyond The Third Degree. Continuing one’s journey in Masonry is a personal decision. A Mason should consider many factors before joining another Masonic Body. Family, work, religious and personal obligations are foremost.
If you are interested in exploring the York Rite Degrees please contact Brother Ken JP Stuczynski at East Aurora Chapter meets at the Blazing Star Lodge in East Aurora, NY. While no Mason would ever persuade any other Mason to join any other Masonic body it is something to think about as a Blazing Star Mason. Many are already Companions of the East Aurora Chapter. Ultimately it is your decision but this might present some opportunities in Masonry for you in friendships, education, and most importantly Light in Masonry.
After closing Lodge, many Brothers stayed for Fellowship. Strawberry and cherry cakes were available but because of Lenten sacrifices and/or diets, they went untouched. This is probably for the best since summer is around the corner and we all need to look our best at the pool, at the beach, or on our yachts.
It is always good to see Brothers talking and exchanging ideas and experiences.
Brothers Of The Bread Update
Brothers of the Bread is the main charitable outreach of Blazing Star Lodge. Each month, we supply between 5000 and 9000 loaves of bread, treats, and/or rolls to food pantries in Erie and Cattaraugus Counties alone. In the photo you see one trip to the local bakery, we have between three and four pickups per week. You will find Brother Egressy (The Bread Man) at the Lodge every Tuesday passing out bread, jelly, treats, and more to local food pantries.
Each trip to the bakery gives us between 30 – 36 trays of assorted bread and sometimes pastries or donuts.
Freemasons of East Aurora
The Lodges and concordant bodies that meet at Blazing Star Lodge started a Facebook page. This page will promote the activities of each Lodge and Concordant body that meet in the East Aurora Lodge building. Please like and share as appropriate.
Robert R Livingston Masonic Library
Are you interested in learning more about Freemasonry? Do you love reading? Then you need to join The Reading Course Program of The Robert R Livingston Masonic Library. As a Mason in good standing in the State of New York, you are privileged with the ability to check out books from the Library. Each Reading Course is a set of books on a Masonic study and interest. This opportunity is presented to New York Freemasons free of charge, Brothers are only responsible for the return postage which is under $5.00. Speaking from experience this is a great way to increase your knowledge in Masonic study.
The Masonic Minute
By: Steven L. Harrison, 33, PM, FMLR
The 2021 – 2022 Trestle Board
Meetings are on the second & fourth Tuesdays from September to June
(Unless otherwise specified)
April Meetings & Events:
April 9, 2022 – Fellowcraft Dinner for HRAKTP
April 12, 2022 – Committee Reports Presentations
April 16, 2022 – Fellowcraft Meeting
April 26, 2022 – Nominations for Officers
Upcoming Meetings & Events:
May 10, 2022 – Voting for Officers
May 25, 2022 – Installation of Officers
June 14, 2022 – Old Timers’ Night / Recognitions
Past Meetings & Events:
September 14, 2021 – Welcome Back!
September 28, 2021 – First Degree Prep 1
October 12, 2021 – First Degree Prep 2
October 23, 2021 – Ghost Hunt
October 26, 2021 – Stated Meeting
November 9, 2021 – Rememberance
November 23, 2021 – Thanksgiving Week
December 11, 2021 – Fellowcraft Dinner for HRAKTP
December 11, 2021 – First Degree Rehearsal
December 14, 2021 – The First Degree
December 18, 2021 – Fellowcraft Meeting
January 11, 2022 – Welcome back from Winter Break!
January 25, 2022 – Stated Meeting
February 8, 2022 – Stated Communication
February 19, 2022 – Fellowcraft Meeting
February 22, 2022 – Stated Communication
March 8, 2022 – A Night of Proficiency and Planning
March 19, 2022 – Fellowcraft Meeting
March 22, 2022 – Ken JP Stuczynski on Royal Arch