From NYS Grand Master

My Brothers,

The autumn season is approaching and so is our traditional end of summer holiday. This also is the time that the officers and brothers of our lodges plan their trestle boards for the ensuing year. Let us pause to appreciate all that our working people have contributed to our society. All of us look forward to the new Masonic Year with all the importance and enjoyment that will come along.

This year, the end of September also brings the New Year to our Jewish brothers and families. “La Shona Tovah” to all them. May they all be inscribed in the Book of Life (as well as all our brothers and their families).

I am proud and pleased to wish all our brethren and their families a hearty Happy Labor Day, and best wishes for the coming Autumn season. My wife Carla, Deputy Grand Master RW William Sardone and his wife Nancy, and the entire elected and appointed members of the Grand Line and their ladies are all pleased to join me in this greeting.

This year we have an almost unique situation. As all our brothers know all too well, brothers, sisters, family, and friends in South Texas have endured massive flooding, with many homes and lives totally destroyed. The Grand Lodge of Texas has requested financial help to assist our Brothers and their families who have been injured or received extensive damage to their homes from Hurricane Harvey. We remember all too well when our brothers endured Hurricane Sandy, and the help we received from brothers all over the country. It’s just fair that we now reciprocate and I have set up a special section of the Masonic Brotherhood Fund for this purpose. For your ease and convenience, we have established a special tab on the main page of our Grand Lodge Website ( I urge all brothers to help out.

In addition, let us implore the Great Architect of the Universe to protect the members of our Armed Forces and First Responders as they are protecting us, wherever in the world they may be serving. May He bring them back home and out of harm’s way to their families and friends!

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Jeffrey M. Williamson
Grand Master

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