Stated Communication
.: Second Degree – Fellowcraft :.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
We had a good and informative communication October 23, 2018. The R:.W:. DiNatalie spoke to us about the Masonic Care Community, the MMRI, and the NorthStar Project. We are going to try to schedule a NorthStar class in the future as it is a program to help with membership. We read a petition in Lodge. It was the first one that had a background check attached. So we are Guarding the West Gate. It was presented to the investigating committee. We had an update on Bro. Janesko. and the night, in general, was filled with fellowship and Masonic information and teaching.
I want to thank Bro. Paterek for filling in as Chaplain while Bro. Janesko recovers.
Our next communication will be the Second Degree. It promises to be a good night as our two current Fellowcraft Brothers will be assisting as they bring their Brother to more light in Masonry. As always we can use everyone there when the Brother is brought to light.
I will see everyone on Tuesday, November 13, 2018,
W:. Capron
Dinner is at 6:30 pm as usual and we open Lodge promptly at 7:30 pm. Come on out and have some fellowship and knowledge sharing with your Brothers.
Amity Meeting Code: YCUKLM
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