My Brothers,
It is my sad duty to report the passing of Brother Erwin Kent to the Celestial Lodge in the Sky. Our Brother was born in 1926, Initiated on February 11, 1947, Passed on March 11, 1947, and Raised to the sublime Degree of Master Mason on April 8, 1947. Brother Kent laid down his working tools on May 13, 2022, at the age of 96. We honored our Brother at our Old Timers’ Night for his 75 years of faithful service to The Craft.
Worshipful Kent was our oldest surviving Past Master. He even had the distinction of being the oldest Past Master of the entire Erie District. He served as Master of Blazing Star Lodge #694 in 1956.
Please join me in sending thoughts are prayers for the Kent family.
“Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord” Amen.