Past Master Called from Labor


calledfromlaborIt is my sad duty to report that Past Master Stanley Zaretski put down the working tools of life.  He passed away on Friday, 7/18/2014.  Brother Stan has been in failing health the last few years.  He was Past Master of Blazing Star in 1982. He was very good with ritual work and was very active in the lodge until he suffered a stroke about 12 years ago.

Brother Stan will be buried in Peckford, PA on Wednesday in the town he was born. The family may have a memorial service in about two weeks in East Aurora. If they do have the service, a Masonic Service will be scheduled. I will let you know more
details as they become available.

Thank you,
Wor:. John

Called from Labor


Seibert 1975
W:. James E. Seibert 1975 Blazing Star Lodge #694

Brethren –

It is my sad duty to report to you on the passing of a Past Master of Blazing Star Lodge, W:. James E. Seibert, who put down the working tools of life on April 6, 2014, after nearly 46 years as a Mason. He was Worshipful Master of Blazing Star Lodge in 1975, and held several officer positions as well. His son, Dale Seibert, is also a member of Blazing Star Lodge.

Details in the obituary link below.

David T. Breth