(1759 – 1796)
Robert Burns day is the day when Scottish, Masonic, and people everywhere celebrate the life, poems, and songs of the great Scottish poet, Robert Burns. In 1801 nine of Burns’ closest friends (most likely Masons) gathered to honor the fifth anniversary of his death. While it is not a Masonic tradition, just as Masonic traditions never change, Burns night is celebrated exactly the same way it was that first night. If you wish to celebrate you will need to follow this guide.
May the best you’ve ever seen
Be the worst you’ll ever see;
May a moose ne’er leave yergirnal
Wi’ a teardrop in hise’e .
May ye aye keep hale and hearty
Tillye’re auld enoughtae dee,
May ye aye be just as happy
As I wish ye ayetae be.
Our Brother
Masonic Song
Robert Burns - 1786
Tune: Shawn-boy," or "Over the water to Charlie.
Ye sons of old Killie, assembled by Willie,
To follow the noble vocation;
Your thrifty old mother has scarce such another
To sit in that honoured station.
I've little to say, but only to pray,
As praying's the ton of your fashion;
A prayer from thee Muse you well may excuse
'Tis seldom her favourite passion.
Ye powers who preside o'er the wind, and the tide,
Who marked each element's border;
Who formed this frame with beneficent aim,
Whose sovereign statute is order:-
Within this dear mansion, may wayward Contention
Or withered Envy ne'er enter;
May secrecy round be the mystical bound,
And brotherly Love be the centre!
DOUGIE MacLEAN ~ Ae Fond Kiss ~ Robert Burns
Dougie MacLean is another great Scottish singer/musician. It is an obvious fit for him to sing one of Brother Burns’ songs.