Are You An Active Member?

Author Unknown

Are you an active member 
The kind that would be missed 
Or are you just contented 
That your name is on the list 

Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the crowd 
Or do you stay at home and crab both long and loud 

Do you take an active part to help the Lodge along 
Or are you satisfied to be the kind to just belong 

Do you ever go to visit a member who is sick 
Or leave the work for just a few and talk about ‘the clique’ 

There is quite a programme scheduled that means success if done 
And it can be accomplished with the help of everyone 

So attend the meetings regularly and help with hand and heart 
Don’t be just a member but take an active part 

Think this over Brother are we right or are we wrong 
Are you an active member or do YOU “just belong”‘

Masonic Military Outreach

Brethren,   FYI-Very-Very important request!
Our Second Erie District, Masonic Military Outreach and Veterans Affairs Chairman, Brother David Peters has set up a date at the Veterans Hospital to distribute items that were purchased through our Masonic Brotherhood Fund for our Veteran’s that are currently patients at the Veterans Hospital on Bailey Ave.
Brother Dave needs our help distributing the items; please read his message and request and then share with the Brethren in our lodges.
Let’s get over to the hospital and show our Veterans that we Mason’s care dearly for them and support them–I hope to see you all there.
Wear your Apron, show your pride in Masonry
Thank you Brother Peters for all you do for our Veterans;
Fraternally, Your Brother
JB Haslam Sr.
DDGM Second Erie District (2014-2016)
Proud To Be A Mason

Fund Raiser 1/14/2014


The last of three fundraisers was completed this past Saturday. The Fellowcraft club served 24 dinners to the KYCH group.  We had plenty of help and everything went very well. We made $186.00 for our efforts. For the three fundraisers, we made
a total $400.00 of which $296.00 will go into the scholarship fund and the remaining $104.00 to go into the the general Fellowcraft fund.

Thanks to the following for all their help:

Wor’s Russ and Dave, Brothers DSA John, Jim, Ron, and Kirk.

Wor John