October Communication – The Three Pillars & The Circumpunct

Much is happening at the Masonic Lodge in East Aurora, New York! Masonic education is starting to take center stage. Brother Todd Paterek (our Masonic Education Officer) presented a paper written by Brother Thomas J. Williams called; Redefining The Three Pillars. Please follow that link to The Midnight Freemasons and read the original article. Brother Paterek followed it up with some comments relating to Freemasonry at Blazing Star Lodge. Please follow the link above to read the original paper then read below for Brother Paterek’s follow up.

Adapting Brother Williams’ Three Pillars To Blazing Star Lodge.

Education: We are starting this, I am standing here talking your ears off and it is a start. However, I should not do this alone. Lodge education comes from everyone. Anyone can do research and write a paper, then bring it here to present. It is encouraged! Also, if you heard or read a published paper and it inspired you, please bring it in, read it to the Lodge, pass it around. Masonic education is what makes us better men. We learn from each other and we teach each other. This is not a classroom; this is where we work. We knock way the superfluous pieces of our ashlars and we get a little better each time we leave the Lodge. Not because we paid the bills after proper audit, but because we were able to take away something that inspired us to be a better man. We take that inspiration out into our communities, back to our families, and with us at work. We then inspire another, and they another, and around and around it goes. This is how we make good men better and how we make the world better.

Fellowship: There is no reason, even during COVID, why we cannot meet here in the Lodge and talk about Masonic topics, about the Buffalo Bills or Buffalo Sabres, about anything really. We can order a pizza or tacos and share a couple of beers. Our Brothers built this Lodge in 1906, many with their own hands. Brothers for decades since then have maintained the building and grounds, cleaned the floors, cutting the grass, changing lightbulbs, installed water lines, filled the toilet paper, and much more. Let us honor them by enjoying the fruit of their labors. Our Lodge is a huge jewel that many are not lucky enough to have. If anyone is interested in arranging a monthly, or weekly time to meet here and discuss Masonic topics and have some Fellowship, please let me know after Lodge or anytime by email, text, or phone.

Ritual: We got some Masonic education, we then had some fun and Fellowship, now it is time to work. To take the knowledge we learned through the education we received, together with the bonds of Brotherhood we formed in Fellowship, and apply all of it to our Ritual. I want us to be perfect at the Ritual, but it is okay if we are not. Delivering a good ritual and backing it up with a proper explanation of the ritual afterward is essential. Because without the explanation and discussion after, we might as well do it all in Latin.

Our main program for the evening was an adaptation of W:. Jon T. Ruark’s, PM of The Patriot Lodge #1957 presentation; “The Philosophical Elements of the Circumpunct”.

Brother Paterek took us from the circumpunct (Dot within a circle) drawn with compasses through the building blocks of life, and to the intelligent design of the universe. Brother Ruark’s presentation is far more in-depth and can be found on YouTube.

Are you interested in Freemasonry?  Contact us to learn more.

Thank You, Everyone

In July 2020 the Brothers of Blazing Star Lodge #694 F. & A. M. held a food, supply, and fund drive to help FISH of East Aurora and The Rural Outreach Center. The generosity of the community blossomed into a truckload of food for FISH and supplies for The ROC. While the Brothers did contribute to each the bulk of the donations came from the people of East Aurora and surrounding areas.

We received letters of appreciation from both and we wanted to share the handwritten portion of the letters of gratitude from each.

Dear Friends,
We are grateful for your continued donations that make our mission to help others possible. Thank you for your support.
FISH Of East Aurora
Please tell your members how grateful we are for this wonderful gift.
Thank you,
The Rural Outreach Center

We plan on making the food and supply drives more often however, both can use everyone’s help all year. Please consider donating to FISH of East Aurora or The Rural Outreach Center anytime you have the means. Through your donations, they are able to help support families (your neighbors) in need. Sometimes we have to accept help and other times we are able to help yet we are always together.

Are you interested in Freemasonry?  Contact us to learn more.

2020-2021 Blazing Star Lodge #694 Officer Line

Tuesday, August 25, 2020 – The Brothers of Blazing Star Lodge #694 F&AM held a special meeting to nominate, elect, and install the officers for the 2020 – 2021 Masonic year. You will notice that all are wearing simple white aprons. Due to Covid-19, we are refraining from using “shared” aprons. However, this is in fact the true fashion of a Master Mason. One is not “higher” or “lower” in importance. Nobody is more important than the next. We have our stations and places in the Lodge and these offices are to ensure the Lodge works and progresses with purpose, honor, and love. Fellowship was abundant after the meeting. A genuine feeling of Brotherhood prevailed in the parking lot with none eager to leave.

W:. Glenn S. Capron is taking the Master’s chair one more year. He begged us not to elect him again so we did the Brotherly thing and elected him. You can read W:. Caprons bio and see his line of officers in the Master’s Corner of the website. W:. Capron has promised a full Trestle Board of Masonic education, as much Fellowship as possible with current Covid-19 guidelines, and a year devoted to the members of Blazing Star Lodge and Freemasonry.

We have some candidates waiting to take their first (and second) step into Freemasonry and we will initiate (and pass) them as soon as we receive guidelines from The Grand Lodge of New York. We cannot wait to welcome our new Brothers but we want to be as safe as possible. If you are interested in becoming a Freemason please do not hesitate to “knock on our door” to learn more.

There’s mony a badge that’s unco braw,
Wi’ ribbon, lace and tape on,
Let Kings and Princes wear them a’,
Gie Me the Master’s apron!
The honest Craftsmas’s apron,
The jolly Freemason’s apron,
Bide he at home, or road afar,
Before his touch fa’s bolt an’ bar,
The gates of fortune fly ajar,
‘Gin he wears the apron!
For wealth an’ honor, pride an’ power
Are crumbling stone to base on;
Fraternity should rule the hour
And ilka worthy Mason!
Each Free Accepted Mason,
Each Ancient Crafted Mason.
Then brithers let a halesome song
Arise your friendly ranks along,
Gudewives and bairns blithely sing
Ti’ the ancient badge wi’ the apron string
That is warn by the Master Mason.

Brother Robert Burns on The Apron