Lodge Night – January 22, 2019

Stated Communication
.: By-Law Changes / Masonic Education :.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Our last communication was the memorial service for our departed brothers. We paid respect and honored those who have paved the way but are no longer among us. We also read a few Grand Lodge notices and upcoming training notices. I hope our newer Brothers, even our long term Brothers can attend all or part as it is a good learning opportunity for everyone.

The Grand Lecturers convention is coming up. They are going to demonstrate and explain the updated Hiramic legend of Grand Master Hiram Abiff. It should be very interesting.

We also had the 3rd-degree history lesson. Brother Barber always does a superb job with this and again he did not disappoint.

We received reports from our committees and all were very favorable. The 150th celebration this June is going to be a good one, but it will take the support of all the Brothers to make it successful.

Our next communication will be held on January 22, 2019. Dinner is at 6:30 pm with culinary delights being provided by our Jr. Warden. We open at 7:30 as usual. It is our time to vote on by-law changes. I have not been made aware of any, but this will be the time to bring them up for discussion and voting.

Bro. Paterek has been putting together a few Masonic lessons and if he is ready the first one will be presented. I am looking forward to it.

Hope to see everyone there, Please do your best to come out and support your Lodge and Brothers.


W:. Glenn

Amity Meeting Code: CTNAN6
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