Stated Communication
.: Memorial Night :.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Happy New Years Brothers,
I hope this finds you all well and rested from this holiday season. Our last communication saw the Raising of two new Master Masons. Thanks to all who were there and lent a hand. We had two traveling Brothers visit whom we hope to see again. Special thanks go to our Brothers of Mt. Vernon Lodge #263 F&AM in Java, New York. We always welcome and appreciate their contributions to the evening’s festivities.
Our next communication on January 8, 2019, should be a good one. We are having our memorial night to pay respects to our Brothers that have gone before us. We also will have the Master Mason historical lecture to complete the ceremonies for our newest Brothers. And we also have a 150th committee that is underway with the planning of the Lodge re-dedication this June.
Dinner is served at 6:30 pm.
Lodge opens promptly at 7:30 pm.
Fellowship and refreshments for those staying after Lodge.
This year looks to be busier than any I have seen since becoming a Master Mason. As we approach our 150th anniversary, as a Lodge, we should all be proud that it has maintained and will continue into the future advancing Masonry as we go, but also we need you, my Brothers, to help out. It is going to be a big undertaking which will require many man-hours. Many hands make light work.
Hope to see everyone this Tuesday, come on out and make new friends and reconnect with your Brothers and Lodge.
W:. Capron
Do you need a ride? Please contact the Lodge, we have plenty of Brothers all around town willing to share a ride.
Amity Meeting Code: LNF4VL
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