Stated Communication
.: DDGM Official Visit :.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
All Master Masons are welcome to our first meeting of the new Masonic Year at Blazing Star Lodge #694 F&AM. Our new officers practiced for their new parts by learning their lines in the dark of summer. R:.W:. John W. Koller Erie District Deputy Grand Master and his team are officially visiting. It is always informative when they join our Lodge for the evening. If the past is any indication, the conversation will extend into refreshment time after closing the Lodge.
Dinner starts at 6:30 pm and Lodge opens promptly at 7:30 pm. Normal Lodge attire required (Officers in Tuxes or dark suits if you have them).
Come on out and meet R:.W:. John Koller and his team, reacquaint yourself with your Lodge and enjoy the fellowship with your Brothers. If you need a ride please contact the Lodge we will be happy to pick you up and have you home safely.
Are you interested in Freemasonry? Contact us to learn more.