It has been a while since we last communicated. Grand Lodge is and had been busy. Masonry doesn’t stop. I hope all of you are well and trying to maintain as much of a “normal” life as you can. We had a Zoom meeting which, while few attended, was a boost seeing and speaking to the Brothers as we have not and for now are not able to assemble. I have Brother Paterek looking onto scheduling a regular Zoom meeting on the First and Third Tuesdays of the month. This is so we do not conflict with the District meetings hosted on our usual Second and Fourth Tuesdays. This will allow us to connect more often and more consistently even if remotely. Please make every effort to attend either through Zoom or dial in using a standard phone. If you need help please contact Brother Paterek for assistance.

There is an online NorthStar training class coming up. Many of you had expressed interest in receiving this class so now curled up at home would be a good time to take the class. Three general classes are scheduled for Saturday’s Noon until 3:00 pm. This might be difficult as Saturdays are often family time. Brother Menegon agreed to host a Blazing Star only NorthStar training class. Details on this are coming soon.

Camp Turk is not going to have any youth campers this season, but the camp is open to all Masons and available for camping rental, either a cabin or bring your own RV. If any of you Brothers want to make a trip out of it as a Blazing Star gathering later this summer I would be all in favor of that. Click here for a Camping Registration Form.
If you need anything please don’t be afraid to reach out to your Brothers or contact us through the website. We are all in this together. Stay safe, healthy, and blessed as we travel this path set before us. Keep communications going, help out where, and if you can. Keep Masonry alive and have it thrive. We are all Masons in our hearts, so let us demonstrate that in our actions also.
W:. Capron
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