Our next communication June 9th will be our annual Old-Timers Night. This year we are bringing the Barn to the Lodge and promise that it will be no less enjoyable. As always this is an open invitation to any Mason, so get the word out. Therefore, please join us atBlazing Star Lodge, 645 Main Street, East Aurora on June 9th. We will gather around 6:30 pm with the meeting at 7:30 pm and a fun evening to follow. Help to welcome our new officers in their first official communication in their new roles.
Dress for this occasion is Casual.
Visit the event page here to read more of let us know you are coming. Old-Timers Night
I would like to thank those who were able to attend Old Timers Night and for making my first meeting as Worshipful Master a very enjoyable one. We had all officer’s and Trustee’s in attendance except for just three. We also had nine Past Masters from Blazing Star in attendance; Wor’s Vernon Frost (1976), Denis Funseth (1977), Dick Mann (1979), George Sleeper (1980), Russ Knox (1984), Bob Kimpton (1995), Dave Cammarano (2007-2009), Russ Barber (2010), and Dave Breth (2011-2013). Big thanks also to Bro John Evans for once again turning his barn into a lodge room for the evening. I believe the overall attendance was close to 60. There were plenty of laughs and fellowship throughout the evening.
While the lodge is dark during the summer months, we still have many things going on. The Fellowcraft Club still meets the 3rd Saturday of each month. There are a couple of fundraisers that the Fellowcraft Club participates in. The Reunion Day weekend in late July, and the Car Show in late August. Emails with more details will be coming as the dates get closer. The East Aurora Little League baseball season is going on. Blazing Star has sponsored a team in this league for the last several years. If anyone is interested in attending any of the games, let me know and I will try to get a schedule posted. I hope that I will see many of you over the summer.
In closing, I would like to wish you and your families a very safe and fun summer.
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