The end of the Masonic year usually means slowing things down, however, not this year for the Brothers of Blazing Star Lodge #694 F&AM in East Aurora, New York. We are ending the year with three exciting events. First was the East Aurora Music Festival. A full day of music, Fellowship, hard work, excitement, and lots of fun. The day was a huge success, we were even able to attract a few potential members, we shall see. Our next event is the Charter rededication ceremony this Saturday at the Lodge. The public is welcome to attend and we are making preparations to broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook Live! Details will follow soon. Following the 150th rededication, we have our final meeting of the year, our Olde Timers’ Night. This is the meeting we honor those who have been with the Fraternity for many years. It is always a good night and lots of good fun.
For those who were wondering about who tipped better at the East Aurora Music Fest, men or women, it was the men by a factor of two! Thank you to everyone who came out and helped us enjoy the day with our community.
Here are a couple video posted to our brand new Blazing Star Lodge 694 YouTube channel.
A few photos taken during the day.
Are you interested in Freemasonry? Contact us to learn more.