Our newest Worshipful Master, Todd Paterek, was invested (twice) with the proper instructions of the Worshipful Master’s Chair. The first time was simple and humble as is the tradition and history of Blazing Star Lodge. The second was far grander with the company of Masons from the Erie District. Even Most Worshipful Williamson attended and gave a fantastic motivational speech to the incoming Worshipful Masters. Some were taking the Chair for the first time while others were taking the chair again (and again).

The Officers of Blazing Star Lodge with the Erie District DDGM and AGL. Congratulations Brothers, thank you for serving your Lodge and The Craft

Erie District Worshipful Master Investiture ceremony. Outgoing and incoming Worshipful Masters from each Lodge in the Erie District. Congratulations W:. Brothers.
For those not familiar with Freemasonry and might be questioning the term “Worshipful Master” please consider this explanation.
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